Demystifying Schizophrenia

By Walker B. Shapiro, Medical Student

You have probably heard of schizophrenia - in newspapers, books, movies, and TV shows; you or somebody you know may be affected with this mental illness. Nonetheless, confusion about schizophrenia is common. This post provides some basic facts about schizophrenia, including common symptoms and available treatments. Schizophrenia is a chronic, treatable brain disease that affects an individual’s thought patterns, behavior, and perceptions of reality.

Some general facts about schizophrenia:

  •  Affects more than 1% of the population with similar rates around the world

  • Affects men and women with similar frequency

  • Symptoms usually start between ages 16-30

  •  Most people with schizophrenia are not dangerous or violent

The symptoms of schizophrenia vary greatly between individuals. They can also change and get better or worse over time. Some of the most common symptoms are listed below:

  • Hallucinations – hearing voices is common

  • Delusions – fixed belief in something untrue or impossible

  • Paranoia – unhealthy or unfounded suspicion

  • Disorganized thoughts – may go on tangents or not make sense when speaking

  • Loss of interest or motivation – may not enjoy daily activities or social interaction

Schizophrenia is a serious chronic disease, but treatment is available to help people get back to thinking clearly and leading full lives. The most important treatment elements include:

  • Medications (‘antipsychotics’) – help restore and maintain normal, healthy thought patterns

  • Therapy and rehabilitation – help cope with stress and return to work, school, independent living, and social interaction

If you are concerned that somebody you know might be suffering from schizophrenia, encourage them to see a doctor for evaluation.

Find more facts on schizophrenia at

Everyday Natural Beauty Tips for Women

It is entirely true that real beauty shines from the inside out; which means that how you feel about yourself inside, truly reflects on your appearance. If you have low self-esteem and generally don't feel good about yourself, eventually that's how you will appear to the outside world. Don't let people take advantage of your insecurities. Here are a few ways to boost your self-esteem that will make all the difference in your overall presence.

Getting enough sleep is imperative to your beauty regimen. Sleep is when your body regenerates itself during different times of the night. Interrupting this process will not only decrease your overall health, but can take a negative toll on your physical appearance. You may notice that when you get less sleep, you are starting to see bags under your eyes or circles as well as a less youthful glow. Aim to get about 8 to 10 hours of continuous sleep each night and you can see your body regenerate and look beautiful before your eyes.

Drinking plenty of water is essential to your body's health. Soda, coffee and alcoholic beverages don't count; they only add more toxins to your overwhelmed body. Water is what helps keep your optimal health as it cleanses the toxins out of your body and fills your cells. It has been recommended that everyone should drink about 8 glasses of water each day, but if your work doesn't allow you to leave for constant bathroom breaks, drink as much water as you possibly can. Switch your unhealthy drinks and swap them for a glass of pure water.

You may have a gorgeous and curvy body, but if you don't wear clothes that accent your curves in a positive way, no one will ever be able to tell. Most women feel self-conscious about their bodies because they may have a little extra on the hips, stomach or the back, but remember, everything can be hidden with just the right clothes. Consider your current body and think of outfits that can work appropriately for your figure. Just because a celebrity or a mannequin is wearing something at the mall, it doesn't mean it's the right outfit for you.

Hairstyle has a lot to do with how people will perceive you. A lot of people have outdated hairstyles or a style that doesn't complement their facial features. Arranging your hair in an unflattering way or having a bad haircut can age you years! Go out to your favorite salon and get a new haircut. You will automatically notice how different you may look, but in a positive way.

Department stores sometimes offer free makeovers at the makeup counters. This is mostly a great way for them to advertise their products, but it also works for you because you get a free lesson in makeup. Most people have a makeup routine that they stick to everyday, but letting someone else have a go can enhance your beauty in a way you never saw it before. Always remember, less is more!

Your beauty really shines on a higher level when you are comfortable and happy being you. I sincerely hope the tips in this article have highlighted some great ways you can start feeling happy about a new you.

Everyday Stress Can Be Detrimental to Your Health

Stress is often defined as our bodies' natural reaction to some particular events in our lives. The factors which trigger stress are classified either as internal or external stressors. Internal stressors cause disturbances in the body's normal functions (like in the case of infection or inflammation) while external stressors are the factors in the environment which are perceived by our brain as potential threats.

When faced with a potential and imminent danger, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system of the brain prompt the production and release of steroid hormones, including the primary stress hormone cortisol and certain neurotransmitters called catecholamine. These chemical substances enable a person to deal quickly with possible threats and are vital in emergency situations.

Acute stress causes an instantaneous increase in heart rate and blood pressure, pumps our bodies with adrenaline, triggers the increased production of red and white blood cells and diverts fluids from other non-essential parts of our body (the mouth, throat and the digestive tract). Among the effects of acute stress are the drying of the mouth which makes it hard to talk or swallow, sweating and pallor, motor agitation and enlarged pupils.

However, when the threat has passed, the stress response is then inactivated, the bodily functions normalize and we experience what is known as the "relaxation response".

If the stressors persist, our stress response then refuses to inactivate and we stay on a low-level alarm mode for prolonged durations. This condition results to what is known as chronic stress. It is sad to note that we are a part of a society where there is never a shortage of stressful situations plaguing our daily lives. Causes of chronic stress may range from being involved in problematic relationships, having a highly demanding job, being isolated from your family and unrelenting financial difficulties.

If the condition continuously goes unchecked, chronic stress may lead to ill health. Among the ailments that may be attributed to chronic stress are the following:

. Depression or anxiety. Several researches prove that constant stress results in the hyperactivity of the HPA system of the brain and upsets the normal levels of serotonin in the body. This chemical substance is believed to be critical for feelings of well-being.

. Heart Disease. Serious cardiac events such as heart rhythm abnormalities and heart attacks may be influenced by chronic stress.

. Weakening of the immune defense system. Chronic stress sufferers are found out to have lower white blood cell counts compared to non-sufferers. Hence, chronic stress sufferers are more prone to sickness.

. Gastrointestinal problems. The brain and the intestine are very strongly related. In fact, the two organs share many of the same hormones necessary for them to function normally. That is why it is not at all surprising for chronic stress to upset the digestive system. Constipation, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer and inflammatory bowel diseases were all found out to be greatly influenced by stress. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and diabetes have also been associated with the problem.

. Sexual and Reproductive Dysfunctions. In women, stress can lead to decreased sexual desires, the inability to reach orgasms, intense premenstrual pains and sometimes alters the menstrual cycle while it may cause temporary impotence in men. Maternal stress during pregnancy results to lower birth weights, premature births and increases the odds of miscarriage.

. Stress can also have different effects on eating problems and weight. While some people who suffer from chronic stress may put on weight or at extremes, suffer from obesity, there are also cases wherein a sufferer loses weight and appetite.

Portable Treadmill: For a Healthier Body Everyday

Do you want to stay healthy and fit, but it takes too much effort for you to go to the gym? Getting yourself a portable treadmill would be a great help if you wish to get into shape and feel healthy. Due to the increasing demand of people today who want to exercise in the comfort of their own homes, manufacturers have invented and new way to make this possible. There is no need for them to go to the gym and travel all the way there. It can be risky, especially if there is bad weather, like heavy rain outside. You can trim your body down and be in good shape by staying at home. You can make no excuses, as it is readily available for you to use. You can achieve not only a sexy body, but also a healthier one. Exercising daily helps keep the organs of your body functioning well. It helps improve blood circulation and keeps the organs properly nourished. It prevents you from getting sick, as it boosts the immune system to help fight against infection. It helps increase your stamina, so you'll be able to perform better at your other day to day activities. It tones your muscles, giving you enough strength and durability all day long. Thus, it provides you all these benefits and you don't even need to go anywhere to use it. There is no hassle and it is very convenient.

Getting a portable treadmill allows you to do exercise without taking up much space. It is made to fit well in any place, which is why it is best to use at home or even in a room with a small space, like in an apartment. Other than that, it makes it easier for you to stow after using. You can put it away without having trouble about the space it will take up. There are designs that allow you to fold it up when not in use. This helps save space when not in use. It is also very lightweight so that you can have it transferred anytime at any place. It takes less effort to move it from one place to another.

Buying a portable treadmill offers you a lot of advantages, especially in times when you do not feel like going to the gym. It is made available for you in your own home. Thus, you cannot make excuses for you can do exercise at anytime and at any place you want. There is no need to hassle yourself and travel to the gym, especially in times wherein there is heavy rain, storms, or snow outside. You can start your day by spending some time on it. It keeps your healthy and fit everyday.

How to Live Heart Healthy Everyday

One of the best ways to begin living heart healthy everyday is to develop and adhere to an exercise regimen. Exercise is great for the body. It strengthens the bones, provides stability to the body and most importantly exercise strengthens the heart. The heart is a muscle and like any other muscle in order for it to be strong it has to be developed. The heart is the most important muscle in the body as it circulates the blood and is basically the life source of the body. In order to keep the heart healthy and functioning properly it is necessary to participate in cardiovascular activities that will raise the heart beat and get the heart working. You can go to a gym and use equipment or simply jog, walk, dance, join an aerobics class or cycle around a park. Participating in exercise for at least thirty minutes each and every day is recommended for the best heart benefits.

Another step to living heart healthy is to eat healthy foods. In order for your heart to be healthy you have to give up the high-saturated foods and learn to eat more sensibly. Learning to eat fruit and vegetables instead of snacking on cookies, cakes and salty potato chips will greatly improve heart health. Likewise, you will be more successful at adopting healthier eating habits if you realize that you can still eat some of your favorite foods; they just have to be prepared in a healthier fashion. Instead of frying learning to bake or grill foods will allow you to still enjoy the foods but in a healthier fashion.

Finally, reducing the amount of stress in your life is a major step in living heart healthy [] everyday. Stress has a negative impact on the body especially the heart. When the body is tense and on edge because of outside pressures the heart has to work harder to supply the body with oxygenated blood. This increased pressure on the heart raises the heartbeat and increases blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure can cause hypertension which can be very damaging to the heart over long periods of time. Finding ways to cope with stress through yoga, meditation or hobbies can be very effective in helping to deal with stress and will help alleviate the heart of the extra stressors.

A Banana Everyday Makes One Healthy

There is no better snack that provides a quick energy and health boost to the body than the banana. Three important natural sugars can be found in bananas namely sucrose, fructose and glucose that are combined with a fiber. Many researchers have proven that eating just two bananas can provide enough energy for the body to withstand a 90 minute strenuous workout. Bananas are also healing fruits that prevent a lot of diseases and help fight other ailments that one is having. That is why it is important to include at least one banana every meal in order to live a healthy life.

In hospitals, many doctors and therapists suggest bananas to their patients that have a low level of potassium because the fruit is rich in this substance. There was even a study that illustrated how a potassium rich fruit can increase the supremacy of the brain and the awareness of children when it comes to their education. People that are having a high blood pressure can take bananas because they are low in salt. These fruits can improve the mortality of strokes to as much as 40% for individuals. It helps the heart beat at a regular rate and it assists in transmitting oxygen towards the brain.

Banana is not just a tasty and healthy fruit that every individual should be eating. The skin itself is applied as a natural substitute to treat bites and warts. Inner portions of a banana peel can be used to apply to mosquito bites to lessen the inflammation and pain before applying any insect bite cream. The vitamin B that is enclosed in bananas can help calm the nervous system of our body. A significant function that is done by the vitamin B6 present in the fruit functions as a control for the blood glucose rates, which are also connected to the temperament of a person.

Everyday Detox For Eternal Youth and Health

One of the beauty secrets of supermodel Miranda Kerr is drinking lots of water for everyday detox. This is because she travels a lot which dehydrates her body and results in toxic accumulation.

Some alternative health detox programs claim that its followers can lose weight through the program. This may often be true, since extremely restrictive caloric intake, which are mandatory on these programs, help promote weight loss. However, the weight loss is not lasting, and as soon as the person returns to eating normally, the weight will reappear. Temporary fasts can also be dangerous to people with underlying medical problems.

Everyday Detox: Impact of Toxins

Famous author Catherine J Frompovich, in her book 'Our Chemical Lives and The Hijacking of our DNA,' has focused on how our body gets impacted by the chemical laden world. She stresses on the rising healthcare costs and damage caused by chemicals present in foods, clothing, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and cosmetics. Human body has its own natural mechanism of flushing the toxins out. However, increased exposure to pollution and poor eating habits has compromised our bodies' ability to remove toxins. This is especially true in case of metallic toxins, such as lead, mercury and cadmium. These toxins lead to the development of several diseases and conditions, such as allergies, bad breath, bloating, colds, constipation, dull skin, excessive weight, fatigue, headaches, hemorrhoids, indigestion, insomnia, mood swings, intestinal parasites, stomach pain, and weakened immune system. Thus, it is essential to detoxify your body on a regular basis through everyday detox methods.

What is the Importance of Everyday Detox?

Detoxification is crucial for everyone regardless of age. This is because no one can have a completely toxin-free body at all times. Everyday detox helps in removing body toxins and puts a cease on the generation of new toxins. This ultimately improves the functioning of various organs, such as liver and kidney. Detoxifying the body improves blood circulation, which in turn boosts metabolism. Detoxification is also important to keep the skin young and healthy. There are a number of methods of detoxification based on natural foods, such as water, juices, fruits and vegetables.

Tips for Talking to Children about Aurora Shooting

By David Fassler, M.D.

Parents and caretakers are faced with the challenge of discussing the recent tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado with children. Although these may be difficult conversations, they are also important. There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to talk with children about such traumatic events. However, here are some suggestions that may be helpful:

  • Create an open and supportive environment where children know they can ask questions. At the same time, it's best not to force children to talk about things unless and until they're ready. 

  • Give children honest answers and information. Children will usually know, or eventually find out, if you're “making things up.” It may affect their ability to trust you or your reassurances in the future.

  • Use words and concepts children can understand. Gear your explanations to the child's age, language, and developmental level.

  • Be prepared to repeat information and explanations several times. Some information may be hard for them to accept or understand. Asking the same question over and over may also be a way for a child to ask for reassurance.

  • Acknowledge and validate the child's thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Let them know that you think their questions and concerns are important and appropriate. 

  • Remember that children tend to personalize situations. For example, they may worry about their own safety or the safety of friends when going to the movies or other public areas.

  • Let children know that lots of people are helping the families affected by the recent shooting. 

  • Children learn from watching their parents. They are very interested in how you respond to local and national events. They also learn from listening to your conversations with other adults.

  • Don't let children watch too much television / news coverage with frightening images. The repetition of such scenes can be disturbing and confusing. 

  • Children who have experienced trauma or losses in the past are particularly vulnerable to prolonged or intense reactions to news or images of violent incidents. These children may need extra support and attention.

  • Children who are preoccupied with questions or concerns about safety should be evaluated by a trained and qualified mental health professional. Other signs that a child may need additional help include ongoing sleep disturbances; intrusive thoughts or worries; recurring fears about death, leaving parents, or going out to public areas. If these behaviors persist, ask your child's pediatrician, family physician, or school counselor to help arrange an appropriate referral.

  • Although parents may follow the news with close scrutiny, most children just want to be children. They may not want to think about or discuss violent events.  They'd rather play ball, climb trees, or ride bikes.

A senseless, violent crime is not easy for anyone to comprehend or accept. Understandably, some young children may feel frightened or confused. As parents and caring adults, we can best help by listening and responding in an honest, consistent, and supportive manner.

Fortunately, most children -- even those exposed to trauma -- are quite resilient. However, by creating an open environment where they feel free to ask questions, we can help them cope with stressful events and experiences and reduce the risk of lasting emotional difficulties.

David Fassler, M.D., is a child and adolescent psychiatrist practicing in Burlington, Vermont.  He is also a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine.

What to do about side effects of antidepressant medications?

There are various treatment options for depression including therapy and medication. Antidepressant medications can be extremely helpful to the recovery and healing process of someone suffering from depression. However, sometimes medications that are meant to help may cause unpleasant side effects. The most common symptoms my patients report include headache or upset stomach. These typically improve after a few days and go away within a few weeks. If such side effects remain, you should discuss other options with your doctor / psychiatrist. He or she can try a different medication or treatment option; just be sure to stay in touch with your physician to find the best treatment choice for you.

If the side effects seem intolerable, you may be tempted to stop taking an antidepressant or to reduce your dose on your own. Don't do it. Stopping your antidepressant suddenly may cause your symptoms to return and could cause an unpleasant withdrawal-like reaction. That’s why it’s so important to talk to your doctor.

The Mayo Clinic provides a wonderful resource with practical tips for coping with some of the most common side effects of antidepressant medications that includes explanations for the side effects. For example, sometimes people may gain weight because of fluid retention or lack of physical activity, or because appetite returns or improves when depression symptoms ease up. The resource also presents coping strategies such as cutting back on sweets and sugary drinks, avoiding fast food, and getting regular exercise most days of the week – since exercise is also known to help with depression.

Find more tips at Mayo Clinic online.

Use The Color Method For Healthy Eating Everyday

It is essential that we eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables each day as part of a plan for healthier living. It is important that we eat those with the deepest hues of color as they provide us with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber and photochemical that our body's need to maintain good health and energy levels. They will also protect us against the effects of aging and may well reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease. So in order to ensure that you are healthy eating everyday you should include the colors of health in order to do this.

Colors of health are all about colors, blue/purple, green, white, yellow/orange and red and the colors of fruits and vegetables which promote good health. So when planning your meals for each day or when dining out then think color. So to ensure that you have variety in your diet may it 5 a day the Color Way!

1. Blue/Purple
These color foods help to beat the effects of aging as well as lower the risk related to some forms of cancer, are good for maintaining your urinary tracts health, help you with your memory functions. These foods contain varying amounts of health promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and phenolics. You can get blue/purple everyday from such foods as Blackberries, Blueberries, Dried Plums, Purple Figs, Purple Grapes, Purple Cabbage, Eggplant (Aubergine), Purple Peppers and Potatoes (purple fleshed) are to name but a few.

2. Green
These can help to lower the risk from some cancers as well as improve the health of your vision and keep both your bones and teeth strong. They contain varying amounts of potent phytochemicals such as lutein and indoles and you can get green everyday from such foods as Avocados, Green Apples, Green Grapes, Kiwifruit, Artichokes, Asparagus, Broccoli/Flowers, Green Beans, Green Cabbage, Celery, Cucumbers, Peas and Spinach are just some.

3. White
This helps to promote a healthy heart as well as keeping cholesterol levels that are already healthy the same and will lower the risk related to some forms of cancer. Again these types of foods contain varying amounts of phytochemicals and this includes allicin which is found in the onion family. You can get all the health benefits you need each day from white foods such as Bananas, Dates, White Nectarines or Peaches, Cauliflower, Garlic, Ginger, Mushrooms and of course Onions.

4. Yellow/Orange
Including these foods in your diet will ensure that your heart remains healthy, your vision stays healthy and your immune system is healthy and working correctly and yet again these can lower the risk related to some forms of cancer. These color fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids (which are 2 forms of phytochemicals). You should include such orange/yellow fruits and vegetables such as Yellow Apples, Apricots, Melons (Cantaloupes), Yellow Figs, Lemons, Mangoes, Nectarines, Oranges and Yellow Beets, Carrots, Yellow Peppers, Pumpkin and Sweet Corn are a few foods to be found in this color group.

5. Red
It is essential that you include red in any healthy eating plan everyday to help maintain a healthy heart, your memory functions, and your urinary tract health and also help to lower the risk of getting some forms of cancer. These foods contain specific phytochemicals with have health promoting properties and include lycopene and anthocyanins. In order to get reds in to your diet every day include such fruits and vegetables as Red Apples, Blood Oranges, Cherries, Red Grapes, Cranberries, Beets, Red Peppers, Radishes, Red Onions, Red Potatoes and Tomatoes in your diet. Please visit onto this site [] for more tips in health solution.

Healthy Daily Habits - How To Eat Salad Every Day

When it comes to eating healthy, the first food that many people think of is salad. Eating a salad every day can significantly increase the quality and quantity of nutrients that you consume. It is a great way to get in your recommended servings of vegetables, and a salad with some healthy protein is more filling than many people realize. Unfortunately, people who are trying to eat healthier tend to associate salads with drudgery and denial since they often don't venture beyond the established realm of iceberg lettuce, cheese, and ranch or Italian dressing. Fortunately there are many options for those wanting to eat salad every day without getting bored or burned out eating the same thing over and over.

When it comes to salads, the key to keeping it interesting is variety. Eschew iceberg lettuce for healthier romaine or red leaf lettuce. Even better, try baby spinach or mixed salad greens. And don't forget the add-ons. A handful of dried cranberries, a few slices of mandarin orange, or an ounce of nuts or sunflower seeds can turn a salad from boring into amazing. If you want to up the protein content of your salad try adding grilled chicken breast or a hard-boiled egg. If you are struggling to get enough healthy fats into your diet, slice an avocado onto your salad and sprinkle with lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt.

Although it is easy to get used to eating green salads, don't forget that there are other types of salad out there. You can try fruit salad for a refreshing side dish. Bean salads are full of protein and very inexpensive to make. A taco salad can be healthy with baked whole wheat tortilla chips and salsa. Even a pasta salad can be healthy if you are careful. Make sure you use whole wheat pasta and add at least as many vegetables as pasta. Use a homemade dressing instead of a processed one. These variations on a simple green salad will help you to eat more salads without getting bored with any particular combination.

When it comes to salads, the biggest obstacle to a healthy salad is the dressing. Most commercial dressings are full of hydrogenated oils and corn syrup. They can have hundreds of calories per serving, and oftentimes the serving sizes are only a tablespoon or two. If you must buy prepackaged dressings read the ingredients carefully and choose one that is natural. If you can gather a few basic ingredients like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt, then you can make your own salad dressing. This is fast and easy to do, and you can make enough dressing for many salads for less than the cost of a bottle of processed salad dressing.

Lastly, don't forget to think way outside of the box. Many people who dedicate themselves to eating a salad every day actually drink green smoothies to help them accomplish this. A green smoothie is a homemade smoothie that is roughly 60% fruit and 40% leafy greens. If you are interested in finding out more about green smoothies a quick internet search will tell you everything that you need to know about drinking your vegetables.

Green Smoothies For Everyday Health

Of late, green smoothies have become really popular, mainly because of the many benefits to be derived from having them. The content of these smoothies make them most delicious, as well as most tasty. A green smoothie contains both fruits and vegetables - the fruits give it its sweet taste and the nutrients come from both fruits and vegetables.

Begin drinking green smoothies at least twice a day, for increase in energy levels and overall feeling of better heath. Also, if you happen to be overweight, by constant intake of these healthy smoothies, losing weigh will be a 'snap' - as you will be consuming less of the undesirable, unhealthy foods which you would have normally consumed.
Great for kids too!

Green smoothies are a great way to get children to eat healthy. The fact that it is packed with vitamins and minerals and comes with a lovely taste does wonders for the children who try to avoid their vegetables.

Illness? What illness?
A daily smoothie also acts as a preventative measure for illnesses. Persons who consistently drink green smoothies on a daily basis, have reported total relief from chronic conditions they have experienced for years. The highly nutritious content of a green smoothie directly contributes to faster healing and better mental performance.

Therefore, consuming green smoothies is a sure way to experience increase health benefits. Just by adding one glass of green smoothie to your daily diet, can result in astounding results. When the body is provided with the natural food which it requires, it can heal itself easily.

Smoothies are sought after because of their health benefits, as well as their taste. They will also be sought after for a very long time to come. These are best had in the mornings, as they tend to set a positive pace for the rest of the day. Having a daily, all-natural green smoothie, is also very good for diabetics; as it acts as a stabilizer for blood sugar.

The benefits seem indeed to be endless. Persons have experienced elimination of bloating and constipation, fast hair growth as well as glowing, radiant skin. Many persons will soon find that there is no need to spend so much money on make-up, as the smoothie provides the real natural beauty which is sought through cosmetics. This result is facilitated as a result off the elimination of toxins within the body.

One should be careful when making the smoothie. The balance should be right so that the taste of the green veggies is masked by the sweeter taste of the fruit. There should be enough fruits to retain the sweetness and enough vegetables to provide the needed greens.

The consumption of green smoothies automatically eliminates the craving for processed food. One will also notice that all mood swings will eventually disappear when green smoothies become a daily intake. The greens and fruits in this smoothie contain the strongest food source of alkaline, which neutralize the acids in the blood.

Transform An Everyday Menu Into A Healthy Heart Disease Diet - You Should Not Ignore Fish Oil!

The number of people who have heart disease is increasing by the day: hence, it is not surprising that a lot of people are looking for effective heart disease diets that are not only delicious but healthy as well. With the plethora of healthy diets that are available now, the task may not be as hard as you think. There are certain things that you may do in order to transform any diet into healthier ones. With these tricks under your belt, your search for the best heart-friendly menu should be very easy.

Transforming your regular menu to a heart disease diet can be easily done through minor substitutions. Spot the heart-threatening foods that you usually take in and simply use healthier alternatives to replace them. For example, instead of using high-fat meat, like pork for example, you can choose to go with a less fatty alternative. Substitute pork recipes with equal amounts of lean meat. Even better, you can replace meat with tofu alternatives; they are less fatty and healthier as well.

It will also do you well if you not only avoid fatty foods, but if you also minimize the amount of oily foods that you take in as well. Since heart problems are mainly caused by high levels of cholesterol and oil in one's diet, eliminating foods that are rich in carbohydrates will help you minimize the bad effects of any heart condition. Substituting oily foods with greens and other vegetables will also keep your heart healthy.

Since inflammation is a main symptom of any heart condition, people who are suffering from heart problems will benefit from regularly eating foods that reduces inflammation. Some foods have natural anti-inflammatory properties that do not only minimize the internal symptoms of the condition but the other external ones as well. A good heart disease diet will not only be filled with these types of foods, but it will also fully incorporate them with the other types of heart-friendly components.

One of the best components of a healthy heart disease diet is fish oil; fish oil is filled with Omega 3 fatty acids that do not only control the inflammation, but also lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Fish oil also reduces triglycerides and high blood pressure; it is also proven to tackle other factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease such as plaque build-up and narrowing of the arteries.

Your Everyday Health and Fitness Play A Big Part In Preventing Heart Disease Problems

If you are worried about heart disease then one of the things that you can do to improve your health is to try to do bit more activity. Even just walking instead of taking the car to the store can be very good. You do not have to wear some bright colored clothes that do not fit and rush off to the gym just to get a bit fit. Even a bit of gentle activity can be good for you. But if you are thinking of undertaking a new fitness program then it is a good idea to talk to your doctor before you begin. The heart and stroke foundation recommends that most people do around half an hour of activity every day. It is quite easy to make getting fit, fun and this is a great idea as you are more likely keep going if it is fun, rather than just something to get you fit. Even something quite gentle like gardening can be very good for you.

Walking is a wonderful way to get fit, even more so if you do not just walk in the city. If you get into the hills for some hiking, then it is a really great hobby. But as with all types of physical activity it is a good idea to see you doctor first especially if you have had problems with heart disease. One easy way to start yourself walking more is to get off the subway or bus a few stops for home. That way you will get used to walking more and you can gradually make it further if you want too.

Cycling is also a very good type of activity that is good fun as well. It is a great thing to do on weekends and it means that you can go a bit further afraid than if you are just walking. You can even get some exercise at work. If you work in a building where you have to take the elevator then try walking. It is a very simple way to get some activity without really trying. If you are worried about heart disease and want to take some exercise to get fit then there are a lot of great ways to do it. But make sure that you see your doctor before you begin any new program, especially if you have had heart disease or think that you may be prone to it.

Everyday Tips For Back Pain Relief

Back pain has changed into a common health problem and many of us don't take it seriously thanks to our changed life-style! We are so busy with our lives that a slight discomfort in the back just gets ignored regardless of if it causes some deterrent to a smooth life. If you too have made back trouble a way of your life then you should try and make some changes in your daily life to battle the problem! Read on to discover how you can do it.

Regular exercise is the easiest way to lose discomfort. It would also aid in avoiding sciatica and other related back ailments. A perfect exercise programme for back pain must are comprised of 1 or 2 stretching exercises, aerobics, and core strengthening exercises and walking. Exercises are a good way of reducing muscle stress and rigidity. This helps deaden back pain. Regular exercises keep your joints moving; this prevents any type of friction, which is again beneficial in forestalling agony.

Smoking is one of the factors that lead to back trouble? Weird but true! It is among the commonest risk factors for sciatica. Smoking doesn't only affect your vascular structures in the spinal disc but also is affecting the joints of your back. It reduces blood circulation in the body, causing other major health issues. After you give up smoking, you may feel better blood flow which will help you bounce back from back trouble in a faster way. Quit smoking today and follow a fitter way of life to remain fit!

Another common reason for back pain is the strain level. It has been observed that people who are not cheerful at their workplace or have unacceptable pro life are prone to back trouble. Work related reasons for sciatica include work pressure, inadequate furniture, unhappy environment, and unjustifiable physical strain. Try to keep a control on these contributors to assert bye to back trouble!

In our everyday life, we never trouble about our posture. Most of the folk have a wrong posture that causes back ache. If you want to avoid back stiffness, all you've got to do is maintain the right posture. Make a calculated effort to do so. Keep your back straight at every point and the tail bone as elongated as practical. Don't bend your shoulders and keep your neck up straight.

Another thing that needs your attention is your footwear as it might be a reason for your back trouble. You should not wear heels on regular basis because if you do, back trouble is the least you might expect. Also, try avoiding heels more than 2 inches as they might just add to the suffering.

Tips For Better Health Everyday

You know you have to do it and the time is now. Take a good hard look in your fridge and cupboards and throw out all the junk food that is in there, and don't buy anymore. If you want to be healthy fill your fridge with the lovely bright colors of fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating fish, chicken and less red meat will automatically improve how you feel. Educate yourself on what is in the foods you are buying, if it has too many additives or too much sugar, fat and salt; don't buy it, no matter how tasty it looks. You would be better off making healthy alternatives. To get your required amount of calcium every day make sure you are eating cheese, yogurt or soy products, all great sources of this important mineral.

If you have an office job, don't get stuck at your desk all day. You should get up regularly and walk around to get your circulation pumping back up from your feet. Stretch your hands back over your head and bend your spine backward. It can be very easy to sit with bad posture at your desk all day. Hunching the shoulders forward is one of the worst ways to sit. If you find yourself slouching, check that your chair fits you properly.

If you go outside always make sure that you rub sunscreen onto any exposed skin, you will still get the required amount of sun, even through sunscreen.

Learning how to meditate can help you deal with the stress of every day life. Improving your relaxation will allow you to balance your emotions and increase your physical and mental health. Try to take ten minutes time out, at least once a day, and every time you feel like you are getting overwhelmed.

Multivitamins - A Ticket for Everyday Health

An excellent multi-vitamin supplement daily not only develop your general body functions, but also improve your physical condition and mental well-being. Multivitamin allowances necessarily all vitamins and nutrients essential to the recommended daily dose. Multivitamin supplements can also be made to meet the needs of different conditions such as pregnancy and age specific. In fact, the body needs 13 vitamins valuable function properly.

In the case of regulation determining the performance of the body, it is necessary to vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, B12, and 7 B-complex vitamins. The majority of these vitamins, obtained by our body through the food we eat. The risk of illness or death lies in the lack of even some of the most important vitamins. So the question now is, why is it necessary for people to take, if Multivitamin majority of our daily diet can provide us with basic foods, do we need? It is not mandatory, but everyone can benefit from daily multi-vitamins.

Multi taking daily vitamins reduced the risk of transmission of the sub-feeding of a pregnant woman to her baby to be born. Other conditions such as age, alcoholism, smoking and exposure to excessive pollution have long-term effects on the body, the system can be fought successfully in multi-vitamins.

A fat-soluble antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E, probably work to neutralize harmful free agents in the body. This vitamin is also healthy skin by protecting cell membranes, blood circulation, heart, nerves, blood red and muscles. Another antioxidant, vitamin C, to fight effectively against the infection of the blood is essential for collagen and education, healing, the formation of bone structures, hair and teeth.

Make Healthy Eating an Everyday Routine

Being healthy can sometimes seem like a task. Everyday people convince themselves that tomorrow will be the day I start being healthy. Tomorrow will be the day I start a diet and cut out junk food. For some, tomorrow never comes, and the promise of starting becomes a continuous lie.

The trick is to not look at it as an obstacle. Look at healthy living as a challenge, a good challenge. If you make healthy eating and exercise apart of your daily routine, then it doesn't become something you have to do, it becomes something you just do, naturally.

Living a healthy lifestyle has many benefits. If you make healthy eating and exercise a part of your daily routine the pros are endless. You will be blessed with better physical health, weight loss, you will be more energetic and active, and overall you will increase your quality of life. The opposite is also true. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to diabetes, hypertension, stress, and a greater propensity to medical conditions like heart attack and stroke. The bottom line is a healthy lifestyle makes for a better lifestyle.

Making healthy eating a part of your everyday routine is going to be a bit of a challenge at first. However, if you start, and commit, your dedication will pay off. After a while if something becomes a part of your everyday life, it will come naturally to you, and you will do it without much effort. So the hard part is to get started, and continue until it doesn't seem like a chore.

Your diet is one of the most effective ways to live healthy. The food we put into our bodies dictate how our body operates. With a combination of healthy eating and exercise our body will operate like a well-oiled machine, with all the parts working in harmony with each other.

So let's begin this journey to a healthier you. Start with some research. Research food, meal plans and also research exercise and workout routines. To make it part of your everyday routine you need to make it yours. There is no one size fit all when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Customize healthy eating and create delicious meals that you like. Healthy eating does not equal tasteless or bland. Your meals can still be delicious and tasty.

Try new healthier foods and try foods you like, in a different ways. Use substitutes and replace fattier unhealthy food with healthier low-fat alternatives. Instead of a beef burger, try a chicken breast sandwich. Add super foods like sweet potatoes to your meals. Eat as much vegetables and fruits as you can. Don't make a boring lettuce only salad. Make the meal delicious. Make a salad with lettuce, cantaloupe, honeydew, carrots, apple, raisins and nuts. Take your meals from unhealthy to healthy, and have fun with it. Stop frying and start baking. So break out your grill, and cut the fat.

This is not a diet, or one of exercise. This will be a change in your everyday routine. Healthy living is a daily thing incorporating healthy eating and exercise. Before you know it, a healthy lifestyle will be the only lifestyle you know.

Multi-Vitamins - Your Solution For Everyday Health and Fitness

A significant quantity of the world's inhabitants is getting more and more keen and serious in watching their overall health and in maintaining their wellness and fitness. Numerous health and fitness products are being manufactured day by day for the advantages of both adults and children. Weight loss and vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements have continuously demonstrated their value to those who are cognizant about their health and fitness.

An exceptional regular multivitamin product does not only build your standard physical capabilities but also boosts your psychological and physical condition and well-being. From time to time requirements are necessary in correctly adding to nutritional value to cope with any specific demands. Heart disease patients would be a good illustration since they would have to ingest CoQ10 in protecting against the mentioned ailment. A frequent intake of Vitamin C and E together can successfully protect against Alzheimer's disease.

All the vitamins and nutrients important for recommended regular doses are specifically included in multivitamin supplements. These may also be developed to satisfy the requirements of specific circumstances such as pregnancy and particular age group. Liquid multivitamins have proved to be far more effective than the standard pill. This is because of the reality that the human body can effortlessly digest liquid vitamins and minerals five times more than normal multivitamin tablets or capsules.

The body generally requires 13 important vitamins to perform effectively. It has to have vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, B12, and the 7 B-complex vitamins to control the necessary functionality.. The food that we eat everyday supplies us with the majority of these vitamins. The lack of some of these necessary vitamins could cause severe health problems or even death. This is exactly where vitamin supplements come in. It counteracts the health issues triggered by these kinds of deficit. It is extremely improbable for a person to turn down using vitamin supplements on a regular schedule with this truth. If the vast majority of our regular eating habits can supply us with the fundamental nutritional value we require, then why is it so important for us to take multivitamins? The answer is simple, every single person can benefit from taking multivitamins.

As mentioned earlier, the obvious advantage of regular consumption of multivitamins it to protect against the deficit of vitamin/nutrient. Nutritional requirements may have to be boosted because of personal conditions. Doctors highly recommend that pregnant women take multivitamins throughout their first trimester. This does not only supply the mothers with adequate nourishment but also appropriate vitamins to profit the unborn baby. The danger of transferring lack of nutrition from the mother to her unborn baby is tremendously diminished due to the fact that the mother is taking multivitamins. Old age, alcohol addiction, smoking, and direct exposure to extreme contamination are some other conditions that have long-term adverse consequences to the body system but can be effectively counteracted by multivitamins.

Another threatening issue which requires critical supplementation that multivitamins can supply is stress. Individuals who have a lot to do and have a difficult time in maintaining their health and fitness demands definitely need multivitamins to continue to keep them on the go without having any overall health problems in the future. Tension remedies help both your mental capability and day-to-day stamina levels equally. Regular multivitamins intake also lessens the danger of many forms of cancer and any heart condition.

A number of people, if not all, admit to have a sensation of secure overall health in consistently consuming multivitamins. This is credited to the hand in glove or blended results of the additional substances located in multivitamins. A fat-dissolvable antioxidant vitamin, like the Vitamin E, functions to reduce the effects of potential detrimental free agents in the body. This vitamin also preserves healthy pores and skin by means of safeguarding cell membranes, blood circulation, heart, nerves, red blood cells, and muscles. Vitamin C is another antioxidant which efficiently combats blood cell contamination and is crucial in collagen development, wound restorative healing, and development of bone components, capillary vessels, and teeth. Vitamin is also valuable in the consumption of iron from plant sources. Vitamins A, D, K and other additional nutritional requirements found in multivitamins have distinct characteristics that profit the body.

Even though regular ingestion of multivitamins has shown to be helpful, it is not a 100% assurance that a person would be totally free of severe health issues linked to other aspects. It is usually a myth that signs and symptoms of sicknesses may generally be healed by using multivitamins. Health and wellness professionals have the superior judgment of instantaneous health care assistance instead of resorting to multivitamins alone.

Everyday Dental Health

Regardless of the condition of a patient's teeth or his or her dental history, everyday dental health is something that can be improved by everyone. From those who need their daily dental health habits overhauled to those who just need a little fine-tuning; it's a good idea for patients of all ages to follow a dental health checklist as they do their best to maintain healthy teeth for a lifetime. Here are some everyday dental health tips to follow:

Brush multiple times per day. This of course is the most obvious one, but it never hurts to repeat the basics. Brushing after every meal will go a long way towards maintaining good daily dental health, and brushing before bed is a must because doing so will help reduce the amount of bacteria that builds up overnight. Some studies indicate that bacteria grows twice as fast overnight on the teeth of those who don't brush before bed.

Protect and regularly replace your toothbrush. Even those who have good everyday dental health habits fall prey to leaving the toothbrush exposed near the sink or toilet and/or using a toothbrush long past the point of effectiveness. Always make sure to cover the toothbrush and tuck it away in the medicine cabinet. Leaving it uncovered and/or exposed near the sink will leave it vulnerable to collecting more germs and bacteria. In addition, a toothbrush loses effectiveness the more it is used, so make sure to replace the toothbrush every three or four months.

Limit sugary foods, but especially before bed. Everyone has a sweet tooth, but the older we get the more we realize just how damaging candy and other sugary foods and drinks can be for us. The enamel that protects teeth is slowly worn away by the acid in these foods and drinks. And that process is hastened when sugary foods and drinks are consumed before bed, even if a patient brushes his or her teeth afterward. The mouth produces less saliva during sleep, which makes it impossible to wash away the sugar from "sweet tooth" foods and drinks. If patients must have something with sugar in it, make sure it is consumed long before bed and that they brush their teeth immediately thereafter.

Floss at least once a day. This is a daily dental health habit that often slips through the cracks, either because the patient forgets or because he or she figures regular teeth brushing is enough. Unfortunately, it isn't, and flossing is essential in getting the bits of food and the plaque that build up in between the teeth and under the gumline-i.e. the areas a toothbrush can't reach. Patients should use around 18 inches of floss and have between one and two inches to work with after wrapping the remainder of the floss around both middle fingers.

Listerine Use. Listerine kills bacteria. Plain and simple. This is the bacteria we all have in our mouths that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease. Listerine is a liquid so it can get into all the cracks and crevices to kill those harmful bacteria and give your mouth a fresh start. Listerine should be used twice daily after morning and evening oral hygiene.

Everyday Is a Health and Fitness Resolution

Keeping physically fit requires resolve! Nothing is more important than deciding to follow a fitness plan. Around the holidays so many of us make a New Year's resolution to get fit and healthy, but I'm here to tell you that everyday is the time for a health and fitness resolution! Though we often blame outward circumstances for our poor health (e.g. office treats, fast food, "the holidays,") in reality, the true barrier to preventing us from reaching our fitness goals is our own procrastination.

How often have we told ourselves, "Someday I'll fit into that dress," or "I'll get back to my college weight eventually"? Time and time again we delay our health a fitness resolutions until a future date. It is time to stop this incessant procrastination because all we end up doing is having a perpetual desire... endless wanting. Make the resolution to turn these dreams into a reality. The time for delay has come to an end. As Shakespeare says, "Defer no time; delays have dangerous ends."

The secret to living a healthy life is rooted in the realization that tomorrow never comes! Our tomorrow is nothing but the consequences of decisions that we make today. When we think about it, it becomes obvious that today is all that we have. The past no longer exists. The future has yet to come. The present is all that exists! The person you want to be in the future, therefore, will only come into existence when the person that you actually are resolves to do something... NOW. Again, everyday is a health and fitness resolution!

To reach your long-term fitness goals requires a commitment. There are no short cuts! What this will entail is different for each person. The best way to maximize your time and efforts is to work with a personal trainer. He or she will help determine which exercises and diet is best for your physical make up and life situation. It is much easier to reach your fitness goals when you have an everyday plan directing you how to get there.

Despite the numerous gimmicks, fad diets and fancy exercise plans, reaching your optimal health and fitness goals is really quite simple. It requires two ingredients; 1) an exercise plan that fits your body type and goals, 2) your determination and resolution to follow this plan, each and everyday! I'm not saying you have to train every day, it's the mentality that you want to be on top of. Armed with this two-pronged attack, physical fitness will lose its mysterious and elusive quality. Exercise and diet plans are out there. Finding a program that works for you is very possible. The real question that you must ask yourself is this; "Do I have the resolution and determination to work towards my goals each and every day?" Do I sincerely desire everyday to be a health and fitness resolution?

The great secret to happiness in life is the realization that today is all that we have. The seeds of the future you are present in the little decisions that you make today. Each and everyday is an opportunity and invitation for you to become the new and improved you. You want to be healthier? You want to increase your level of fitness? Then make the resolution today, and everyday, to do what is required! Make everyday a health and fitness resolution.

Too Much of a Good Thing: Exercise Addiction

By Claudia L. Reardon, M.D.

We all know it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. But can that apply to exercise too? Many people struggle to exercise even a small amount, so it might be hard to imagine that "exercise addiction" could be a problem. However, research shows that it can be, with one report estimating that 3% of the population could be addicted to exercise.

Some researchers suggest the following symptoms for "exercise addiction." These are some of the same symptoms of other addictions like alcoholism.

·    Tolerance: increasing the amount of exercise in order to feel the desired effect, be it a “buzz”  or sense of accomplishment.
·    Withdrawal: in the absence of exercise, experiencing negative effects such as anxiety, irritability, restlessness, and sleep problems.
·    Lack of control: unsuccessfully attempting to reduce exercise amount or to stop exercising for a certain period of time.
·    Intention effects: unable to stick to one’s intended routine as evidenced by exceeding the amount of time devoted to exercise or consistently going beyond the intended amount.
·    Time: a great deal of time is spent preparing for, engaging in, and recovering from exercise.
·    Reduction in other activities: as a direct result of exercise, social, occupational, and/or recreational activities occur less often or are stopped.
·    Continuance: continuing to exercise despite knowing that this activity is creating or worsening physical, psychological, and/or relationship problems.
·    Behaviors and conditions that often occur together with "exercise addiction" are eating disorders, excessive use of substances such as caffeine to improve athletic performance, and "work addiction."

It's important to point out that not all people who exercise at an intense level have an addiction. For example, competitive athletes often need to spend significant time and energy to their sports. Also, many people may be highly committed to their exercise routines without experiencing the negative effects that go along with an addiction. 

Usually, exercise is a very healthy and positive behavior, and most people benefit from a regular exercise schedule. However, if you think you or someone close to you may be suffering from "exercise addiction," you should seek help from a doctor. Cognitive behavioral therapy may be used to bring a patient back to a normal exercise schedule.

Suicide Prevention for Seniors and African Americans

Don Cornelius’s death shocked many of us. The report that his death was a suicide has made it all the more tragic. Best known as the founder of Soul Train, Don was an icon in American music history. Unfortunately, as noted by others commenting on his death, the “Love, Peace, and Soul” he promoted as a public figure may have eluded Don in his personal life, particularly in his later years.

Now we are further shocked by the untimely death of Whitney Houston. Her battle with drug abuse was well known, though the cause of her death has not yet been determined. In our sensational, media-driven culture, the very personal details of celebrities’ mental, emotional, and family struggles are often on display for public entertainment, sympathy, judgment, and criticism. In recent years, with the tragic losses of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, and others, the dangers of illegal and prescription drug abuse have been given an increasing spotlight in the media. 

Don Cornelius’s death, however, highlights two mental health issues that are significantly under-discussed in the public: suicide in African Americans and in seniors.

Depression is under-diagnosed in older adults. It often co-occurs with medical illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer, and can be associated with the social difficulties and financial strain many older adults experience. Because of this, we tend to accept depression as a natural consequence of aging, but this is not so. When depression is present, it not only diminishes a person’s quality of life but also increases his / her risk of death by delaying or worsening recovery from the medical illness or by suicide. Depression is also under-recognized and under-treated among African Americans and other minorities. 

I recently spoke at a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) program called "Sharing Hope: Understanding Mental Health" in Augusta, GA. “Sharing Hope” is an educational program designed to raise awareness of mental health issues in African American church congregations. One woman there told us that her brother had died from suicide not long ago. She explained that he had been troubled for some time and had made threats before but not acted on them. She asked: Were there signs she and her family missed? Was there some way they could have prevented it? She expressed feelings of guilt and shared that she and her family blamed themselves for not having done more, yet at the same time, they didn’t know what more they could have done. 

My heart goes out to her and to anyone who has been affected by the suicide of a loved one. Feelings of guilt, self-blame, and shame are common. Perhaps some consolation can be found in the recognition that it’s impossible to fully control the decisions and actions of another adult. There are support groups for survivors of suicide that provide a place to express these complex emotions. Seek support from your faith if that is relevant to you, and tune nut those who would make negative remarks about your loved one's fate after death, as none of us have the final say in that matter. 

The best suicide prevention is early recognition and treatment of depression. Depression may be masked by factors such as medical illness, dementia, personality style, and other mental illnesses, so understand the symptoms. 

If you are concerned about a loved one, please follow these suggestions:
1)  Do not be afraid to ask if they are considering suicide--you will not plant the thought in their mind by asking.
2)   Stage an intervention if necessary, where you can express your concerns and encourage them to get treatment.
3)  Take any and all threats or gestures seriously--seek help from their doctor immediately or call 911.

We should celebrate the achievements of Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, and the other amazing talents we’ve recently lost; our lives are richer for their contributions. I hope that by raising awareness of these critical mental health issues, their untimely deaths will cause others to seek help and to heal.