Keeping Your New Year's Resolution with Mindfulness

By Brandon Cornejo M.D., Ph.D.
How many of you are trying to get yourselves back into a regular gym and exercise routine for your New Year's resolution? When it comes to exercise, one of the biggest challenges is staying motivated and consistent. I hope I can help you with this two-part blog post on "Mindfulness."
What is Mindfulness?
  • Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental, present-centered awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises is acknowledged and accepted.

Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Approach
  • Mindfulness based stress reduction means to focus your attention on the "now."

  • People practicing mindfulness work on not judging or evaluating the present moment but focus on simply “being” present.

  • People in a formal mindfulness class engage in daily meditation along with skill-building homework that ties them to the “here and now.” 

 How Does Mindfulness Work?
  • Mindfulness allows a person to pause calmly and reflectively before reacting to things.

  • Mindfulness may prevent relapse of clinical depression by allowing a person to have some “space” between who they are and their emotions.

  • Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT), a form of therapy that combines elements of mindfulness with cognitive based approaches to treatment, can be an effective approach for the treatment of anxiety or depressive disorders.

  • Mindfulness may enhance mood as well as help eliminate negative thoughts associated with depressive states.

So why is "mindfulness" important to keeping that New Year's resolution of daily exercise? Next week, I will post part two with my tips for staying in the present moment while exercising. Happy New Year's!

6 Great Tips for Everyday Healthy Eating

There is so much in the media about diet crazes, and wonder food but what is the healthy way to eat? It is so hard to know with all the conflicting information. Good fats, bad fats, trans fats, high protein, low protein, complex and simple carbs; what is right for our bodies?

Healthy eating requires some time, effort and planning. It means eating three meals a day and healthy snacks if needed. It is not about skipping meals or limiting yourself to one type of food. Healthy eating is about finding a balance between the foods we love and the food which are good for us. Below is our lis of tips for healthy eating:

1. Think about why you are eating: many of us eat because we are bored or stressed or upset to help deal with our emotions. We often splurge on unhealthy, sugary or fried foods when we need a pick me up. If you are feeling hungry or craving something bad for you, ask yourself am I really hungry? Do I really need to eat this or am I just feeling emotional.

2. Stick to your regular meal times: have a meal plan and sick to it. Even if you are not feeling hungry try to eat at the scheduled time for morning lunch and tea. In the mornings plan what you will be eating for the whole day and stick to it. This will help you to avoid high sugar and fatty temptations at snack times.

3. Try new ways to cook and prepare food: Frying foods is a very unhealthy way to cook. There are many other options which can be just as tasty. Try grilling, baking, poaching, steaming, or stir-frying foods to avoid adding excess fats.

4. Cut out soft drinks: Many people would be surprised to know that simply cutting out sugary drinks from your diet can lead most people to lose weight. One serve of soft drink can contain a days' supply of energy through sugar. This energy turns to fat when it is not burnt off. Even fruit juice can be a unnecessary source of sugar. Try to swap juice or soda for water; this will also help with feeling of hungriness. Many times we are actually dehydrated when we feel hungry.

5. Don't buy diet foods: Many diet foods may have less sugar but they are often still high in calories and taste like cardboard. These foods are not satisfying and you will often eat something else after one of these 'diet' products to satisfy cravings. It is much better to make a healthy delicious meal then settle for something labeled diet.

6. Eat slowly: food should be enjoyed, a meal is not a race. Your body takes around 20 mins to register it is feeling full, if you eat too quickly your body will not have time to react and you may end up overeating. If you eat slowly your body will tell you when you have had enough.

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By Brian_Goodwin